“Grant unto yourself the wonder of your being;
the glory of the choice that you made to become
human and live on the planet at this time.”
— The Guides



When you come for a channeling, whether group or private, expect first of all to hear the truth. The Guides know us on a level we want to know ourselves, and they are able to point out to us aspects of ourselves, ideas we have about ourselves, truths about ourselves that we need to know in order to grow beyond our limitations.

When you book a channeling, I’ll tell you to be sure to write down all your questions. What kinds of questions? The kinds of questions you might ask if you had a chance to speak with the wisest person in the universe, with the one who knows you the best. Then come to the session with an open heart and an open mind and be willing to receive wisdom, truth and homework!

You can choose any of the following:

Private Sessions – one on one between you and The Guides

Couples Sessions – you and your partner/spouse with The Guides

Team Sessions – for small groups of people working together on a specific project to help you brainstorm and build a strong team.

Group Sessions – for six to 15 people to share the wisdom of The Guides and ask a question.

You’ll find details and pricing on all the sessions offered here.