When you come for a channeling, whether group or private, expect first of all to hear the truth. The Guides know us on a level we want to know ourselves, and they are able to point out to us aspects of ourselves, ideas we have about ourselves, truths about ourselves that we need to know in order to grow beyond our limitations.

When you book a channeling, I’ll tell you to be sure to write down all your questions. What kinds of questions? The kinds of questions you might ask if you had a chance to speak with the wisest person in the universe, with the one who knows you the best. Then come to the session with an open heart and an open mind and be willing to receive wisdom, truth and homework!

You can choose any of the following:

Private Sessions

A private session is just that – private, between you and The Guides.  You prepare by writing down your questions.  At the appointment time, I call you.  I go into trance and The Guides come in and greet you.  They usually have something to say to you, about you, at the very start of the session and then they ask you for your questions.

Most sessions are on the phone.  It’s recorded, and I email it to you afterwards.  It’s strongly recommended that you listen to it a few times over the ensuing weeks.  Invariably, you will hear things you didn’t hear during the actual reading, and/or you’ll hear them differently.  Also, listening to the recording gives you a chance to write down any mantras, chants, exercises or any ‘homework’ The Guides gave you to do.  Yes, they almost always give you something to work on, and the people who follow through always seem to have results.

1/2 hour is $90
Untimed is $125 (anywhere from 30 to 70 minutes)


Group sessions

Group sessions are a special blessing.  Ten or more people gather together – sometimes they know each other, sometimes not, but no matter.  The group dynamic has everyone falling in love with everyone else as The Guides bring their wisdom and take your questions.  It usually turns out that the answer to every individual’s question applies in some way to everyone in the group, so it’s a very fulfilling experience for all.

The session is recorded and everyone present receives a link to the recording.

During COVID we haven’t been able to conduct any group sessions in person, the way I prefer to do it, so groups are pretty much on hold for now.  When we are once again able to gather, people are invited to host a group in their home.  Send inquiries to me at areanne44@nullgmail.com.

$25 per person


Team Sessions

Are you part of a team?  Do you work together with several others on a specific project?  Are you a company or business looking for ways to make yourself more well-known in your field?  Are you struggling to find ways to work together more effectively, more congenially, more supportively?  A Team Reading is exactly what you need.

Team readings can be a business, a theater group, a group of volunteers with a specific purpose.  In a team reading, every member of the team or group comes together and The Guides address the team and project to help the team sharpen their focus and become aware of stumbling blocks and how to get around them.

Team readings are $250 and everyone on the team will get a link to the recording.  Send inquiries to me at areanne44@nullgmail.com


Couple’s Sessions

Do you want to grow closer with your partner, spouse, mate?  Do you want to resolve conflicts, understand each other’s point of view better, feel more connected to each other?  A Couple’s session is the answer.  As with every other kind of session, you each come with your questions written down and you participate in the dialogue with The Guides, giving you tools and ideas to make your marriage or partnership work better than ever.  The session is, of course, recorded for you.  Send inquiries to me at areanne44@nullgmail.com



Call me with your questions: 503/941-9371.  Or email me at:  areanne@nullareannelloyd.com.  Include a phone number so we can discuss your concerns and book your time with The Guides.